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The world's fa­vorite Sicily des­tina­tion guide has thou­sands of in­for­ma­tive pages about Si­cily. Don't just read about our mul­ti­cul­tur­al is­land. Dis­cov­er it with one of our sched­uled tours of Sicily or our ful­ly per­son­al­ized trav­el ser­vice, Sicily Concierge. Si­cily's been wait­ing for you for three thou­sand years!

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Travel Information
» Why Si­cily? 12 cul­tures in 1.
» Top 12 destina­tions in Si­cily.
» Sights to see.
» Personalized Travel. REAL travel agents.
» Scenic Places & ge­og­ra­phy.
» Hotels & other lodging in Sicily.
» Country Cooking Classes at Tarantola winery.
» Market Cooking Classes with Vincenzo Clemente.
» Restaurants reviewed.
» Tours of Si­cily & more.
» Travel Faqs and real answers.
» Sicily Air­ports - get­ting there.
» Travel Ideas for your visit.
» Sicily Maps - roads & cities.
» Sicily Weather fore­casts, temps.
» Beaches in Sicily - a selection.
» Villas in Sicily & how to find one.
» Sightseeing and touring.
» LECTURES by real historians.
» Genealogical Research - finding family roots.
» Tour Guides listed by locality.
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Culture, History, Curiosities
» Sicily Facts and figures.
» Food and Wine - eating, drinking, enjoying.
» Sicilian Culture - all things Si­cilian.
» Golf courses & resorts.
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» Young Students. Study resources.
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» Travel Agent Resources and ad­vice.
» Sicilian Literature - then and now.
» Arts and Artists. Creativity.
» Sicilian Identity - ethnic legacy.
» Religions of Sicily. Faiths.
» Peoples of Sicily. Meet the peoples!
» Invisible Sicily - the unseen.
» Kingdom of Sicily - the book.
» Sicilian - language of a people.

Find a hotel in Sicily.
Think about booking through Booking.Com® for your hotel or other lodg­ing, even if you're ac­cus­tomed to us­ing that "other" hotel reser­va­tion ser­vice. Part of the Priceline® net­work, Booking.Com offers com­peti­tive rates and usual­ly charges only part of your stay upon con­firm­ing your reser­va­tion, with the bal­ance paid upon check-in or check-out. There are no extra reser­va­tion fees, and cancel­la­tions are al­most al­ways free of charge. Our list makes it easy to search by city:
SICILY Search the entire island.
Agrigento Ancient Greek temples.
Catania Sicily's bustling second city.
Cefalù Splendid Norman cathedral
Marsala Sicily's wine country.
Messina Underrated but interesting.
Noto Baroque splendor in scenic hills.
Palermo Medieval Norman-Arab legacy.
Ragusa Baroque and charming.
Siracusa Ancient Greek capital.
Taormina Delightful hilltop resort town.
Trapani Near Erice and Segesta.
GLOBAL SEARCH for hotels everyplace.

Places, Localities, Regions, Nature
Finding it in Sicily.
Aeolian Islands - great beaches.
Agrigento - ancient Greek temples.
Alcantara Gorge - majestic canyon.
Bagheria - baroque dignity.
Caccamo Castle - hilltop fortress.
Caltagirone - majolica art.
Caltanissetta - feudal Sicily.
Catania - Sicily's Second City.
Cefalù - Norman cathedral.
Egadian Islands - coastal treasures.
Enna - Persephone's city.
Erice - castles and couscous.
Favignana - western island.
Ficuzza - royal forest.
Etna - Europe's largest volcano!
Halaesa - ancient Greek village.
Himera - ancient Greek city.
Hyblaean Mountains - stately hills.
Lampedusa - remote island.
Lipari - volcanic islands.
Madonie Mountains - grand summits.
Malta - the country next door.
Marsala - wine capital.
Messina - crusaders' port city.
Milazzo (Mylae) - coastal Greek city.
Monreale Abbey. Don't miss it!
Morgantina - archeological site.
Mozia - Phoenician harbor.
Naxos - first Greek colony.
Nebrodi Mountains - forested peaks.
Noto - baroque beauty.
Piazza Armerina - Roman mosaics.
Palermo - capital city.
Pantalica - older than ancient.
Pantelleria - windy island.
Peloritan Mountains - rugged dignity.
Ragusa - baroque Sicily.
San Vito lo Capo - beaches.
Sciacca - medieval charm.
Scopello - secret hamlet.
Segesta - greatest Greek temple.
Sicanian Mountains - the heartland.
Selinunte - secret temples.
Siracusa - greatest Greek city.
Solunto - ancient hilltop town.
Taormina - Sicily's resort town.
Tindari - ancient Roman mountain.
Trapani - wind mills.
Ustica - marine reserve.
Vendicari Reserve - nature reserve.
Wine Country - endless vineyards.
Zingaro Reserve - grasslands.

About Us
Segesta's temple.On­line since 1999, Best of Si­cily is an in­de­pen­dent pub­li­ca­tion that is not af­fil­iat­ed with any gov­ern­ment, pub­lic agen­cy or trav­el bu­reau. Our goal has al­ways been to pre­sent ac­cu­rate, un­biased in­for­ma­tion use­ful to trav­el­ers and to any­body cu­ri­ous about Si­cily's his­tory, cul­ture and so­ci­ety. This site is read by over two mil­lion visi­tors each year.

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